Glossy Talk: Sometimes only gloss does a justice (Nicole Richie's Wedding)

Glossy Talk: Sometimes only gloss does a girl justice (Nicole Richie's Wedding)

There are a plethora of Nicole Richie in bridal regalia images online, as well as abundant lists of best and worst of this and that, which make for excellent office-time trawling as we creep up on Christmas (I am not list-averse... just wait). But some things are best presented in glossy form: for paging through over a leisurely coffee. 

So I picked up this week's Who to admire the delicate lace work on Nicole's Marchesa gown (it's tulley lovely) and her excellent makeup and to read about her fairytale story (she walked down the aisle on Lionel's arm to "Ballerina Girl"!). Call me a sucker, but for Gen-Ys like myself, who have grown up on a celebrity diet in which Richie has played a starring role, this event surpasses Kate and Wills' pending nuptials (though I do harbour a soft spot for Wills and quite like her).

It may be a sad reflection on a culture invested too heavily into the lives of people who we don't know (or, rather, don't know us), but this is a positive moment in a narrative about a Little Girl Lost who found redemption (and style) and met a lovely guy and had babies and got married. Cliched, maybe, but some traditions, some occasions and some stories will always resonate positively with people. How can we not be happy for her?

Who has also done a commendable job of compiling all the pop culture, newsy and gossipy moments of the year reflecting all the goodness, and awfulness, of life.

Yours truly,
Girl With a Satchel